De Bijloke Zomerbar

{{ copy.detail.summerbarin }} Gent (Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2)

Sfeerbeeld De Bijloke Zomerbar

In August, music center De Bijloke and STAMcafé are already joining forces for a unique summer bar on the historic Bijloke site. The Bijloke summer bar is a cozy open air café in a green oasis on the edge of the center. During three long weekends, carefully selected concerts (classical and jazz) are held each evening, in a deliciously laid-back atmosphere with food & drinks. You can also relax in the afternoon - young and old are welcome! The concerts in the evening are free and without reservation. The summer bar is open on 10-12, 16-19 and 23-26 August, from 2 pm onwards.

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