DD'S Garden

{{ copy.detail.summerbarin }} Gistel (Zomerloosstraat 48)

Sfeerbeeld DD'S Garden

This summer the place-2-be to enjoy the wonderful summer weather, a drink and a drizzle! We welcome you very much in our new summer bar DD'S GORDEN of June T.e.m. October.
Where conviviality and enjoyment are a priority and beautiful memories will be made. Follow our page and stay informed of the events, not to mention: the big opening on Friday 1 June! We hope for good weather and your numerous attendance!
This is a new Van Fien & Dries project, yes you are reading it well Fien is strengthening our business. She stops as a store manager at the fashion house Essentiel Antwerp, and is now together with Dries managing director of DD BaR! & DD'S GOALS.

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